JASG Welcomes First Batch of Greater Bay Area Elite Team


April 15, 2024

Jardine Aviation Services Group (JASG) has hosted a welcoming ceremony for the first batch of Greater Bay Area (GBA) Elites on 15thApril.  Along with honourable guests – Mr. Wing YEUNG, (Hong Kong International Airport General Manager, Terminal Operations) from the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) as well as Mr. Simon LI, President of the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy (HKIAA)– we are glad to have the Deputy General Manager, Mr. Alfar CHAN from China International Intellectech Co., Ltd. (CIIC) and Ms. Tracy ZHOU from Guang Dong NamYue Group and more than 80 of the Greater Bay Area Elites.

The ceremony commenced with a heartfelt greeting by Ms. Vivien LAU, Chief Executive of JASG. In her opening remarks, she extended her heartfelt gratitude to AAHK and HKIAA for their support towards the Greater Bay Area Elite Programme and their cooperation for the smooth operation in the past few months. She congratulated the good partnership with CIIC and NamYue for their contribution to making the first stage of the GBA Elite Programme a huge success. She is delighted to witness the new stage of cooperatio nwith the Greater Bay Area ofhaving more than 200 GBA Elites joining the company via this scheme, and is expecting the success of the scheme to continue.

Mr. Wing YEUNG from AAHK also expressed appreciation to JASG, CIIC and NamYue for their dedication to initiating the GBA Elite Program, which has provided a much-needed workforce during the post-COVID recovery period of the Hong Kong International Airport.

As a token of gratitude, JASG presented Certificates of Appreciation to AAHK, HKIAA, CIIC, and NamYue, recognizing their significant contributions to the success of the Programme.

The ceremony concluded with a panel session, in which a JASG Trainer engaged in a conversation with four import labour representatives. Representatives from Passenger Services, Ramp Services and Cargo Services shared their experiences and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work in Hong Kong. They expressed their appreciation for the comprehensive training and support provided by JASG trainers and supervisors. Furthermore, they would like to enthusiastically invite their friends to join the program in the future.

JASG remains committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce, recognizing the vital role that GBA Elites plays in the aviation industry. The Greater Bay Area Elite Programme stands as a testament to JASG's dedication to collaboration and providing opportunities for growth and development within the industry. Looking ahead, JASG is excited to announce that it will soon be welcoming the second batch of GBA Elites, further strengthening its workforce and contributing to the recovery of the Hong Kong International Airport.  


儀式由怡中航空服務集團行政總裁劉敏儀女士致開幕辭。在開場致辭中,她衷心感謝機管局及香港國際航空學院對大灣區精英計劃的支持和合作,使計劃得以順利推行。她亦感謝中智及南粵,他們的貢獻令第一階段的大灣區精英外勞計劃取得巨大成功。她很高興看到與大灣區的合作進入新的里程碑,有超過 200名大灣區精英透過此計劃加入公司,並期待計劃繼續取得成功。



儀式的最後一個環節為座談會,由怡中航空的培訓主任與四位大灣區精英代表交談及交流心得。 分別由旅客服務、停機坪服務及貨運服務的代表分享了他們的經驗,並對過去三個月有機會在香港工作表示感謝。他們對怡中航空的導師和主管所提供的全面培訓和支持表示感謝。 此外,他們亦表示會邀請身邊的朋友將來參加此計劃。

怡中航空一直致力於培訓多元化和包容性的員工隊伍,並認可大灣區精英在航空業中發揮的重要作用。 大灣區精英計畫證明了怡中航空致力於與業界合作,並為業界的成長和發展提供機會。展望未來,怡中航空集團欣然宣佈即將迎接第二批大灣區精英,進一步壯大公司的生產力,共同推進香港國際機場的複蘇,再創高峰。