February 19, 2024
Kick-start of First Batch of JAA Diploma Programme
Today, the Jardine Aviation Academy welcomed its first batch of students attending the newly launched Diploma Programme. This course includes 13 online courses,3 in-person sessions as well as an airport tour as a wrap-up, allowing participants to have a deep understanding towards different areas of aviation ground handling. We have cooperated with Airport College to customize the courses, covering various business of Jardine Aviation Services.
During the induction session, Warren Chan, our Head of Business Development, has gave a welcoming speech to the participants, encouraging them to discover more about aviation ground handling during their journey in the following 3 months.
To enrich their ability to acquire the knowledge gain from online courses, we have included 2 classroom touchpoints and 1 IATA Dangerous Goods course conducted by our JAA Consultants and Specialists. They will be wrapping up the contents from the online courses, as well as sharing more case analysis using their experience and knowledge. As the Regional Training Partner of IATA, we are authorized to conduct IATA DG courses to our Diploma participants as well. They will be receiving an IATA approved DG Certificate and a JAA Diploma Certificate upon completion.
We believe this course is beneficial to participants who have strong interest in aviation ground handling. As a result, we will also be launching an Autumn Batch starting from September. Please check the Jardine Aviation Academy website for more information and contact us to enrol.
怡中航空學院於今天迎來了新推出的文憑課程的首批學員。 課程包括 13 門線上課程、3 門面授課程以及一次機場參觀作為總結,讓學員深入了解航空地勤的不同領域。 我們與芬蘭線上航空培訓機構Airport College合作,度身訂造課程,涵蓋怡中航空服務的不同業務。
在歡迎儀式中,我們的業務發展總監 Warren Chan 致歡迎辭,鼓勵學員在接下來的三個月中於航空地勤領域探索及發掘更多新知識。
為了豐富學員從線上課程中獲取知識的能力,我們增加了 2 節見面課堂和 1 個IATA 危險品課程,並由我們的 JAA 顧問和專家講授。 他們將總結線上課程的內容,並利用自己的經驗和知識分享更多案例分析。 作為國際航空運輸協會(IATA)的區域培訓合作夥伴,我們也被授權為我們的文憑學員開設國際航空運輸協會危險品課程。 完成課程後,學員將獲得國際航空運輸協會認可的危險物品管理證書和 JAA 文憑證書。
我們相信,這課程對航空地勤有濃厚興趣的學員大有裨益。 因此,我們也將於 9 月推出秋季課程。 請瀏覽怡中航空學院網站以了解更多信息,並聯絡我們報名。