May 23, 2022
JASG partnered with The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon-Smoking Cessation Program in Workplace to deliver an online Tobacco and Digestive #Health#Webinar on 23 May 2022. Apart from health benefits of stopping tobacco use, relaxation techniques as great ways to help with #stress#management were also introduced. We encouraged colleague to practice healthy #habit by saying no to smoking during that day.
怡中與樂善堂於 5 月 23 日合作舉辦煙草和消化系統#健康 在線講座。 除了#戒菸 對健康的好處外,還介紹了放鬆技巧作為幫助#管理壓力 的好方法。 我們亦鼓勵同事在這一天對吸煙說不。#一起健康#JASGcare#health4all